is all about starting over

I used to blog.


A long time ago. And I miss it. I even go back and read my old blogs (yes, plural) to remind me of all the cool stuff that I have gone through. The downside is that I have been blogging with my real name, with my real friends and enemies reading, gossiping and following my life.


That is why I this time choose not to tell you who I am. Will anyone read this then?


I dont know. And I dont care if its 5 or 500 who decides to follow this from now on, since it is mostly for myself and my bad memory. Of course I will enjoy it if people actually DO follow me here - if I didnt I would buy me an old fashioned diary and write stuff there.


I will give you juicy details, I promise.


Just give me some time to work on the design of the blog, until then you will just have to put up with the fact that is boring and only text. Photos will be uploaded, but as you can understand I will not be posting any pics of either me of my friends since that would ruin the whole idea of being private.




Enjoy. And see you soon.















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